Words To Live By

"Be Silly, Be Honest, Be Kind" ~ Emerson

Sunday, April 29, 2012


On October 6th I will be marrying the love of my life, Ryan

The Future Mr.

On that day I want to look and feel beautiful and I think that comes with confidence and self-love. When you love yourself you radiate happiness which translates to beautiful. I know that to feel my best I need to feel healthy, and even though I know I will probably not be at my goal weight yet ( I find this sensible and realistic rather then me being negative) I need to know that I did my very best and worked my hardest to get there. 

Looking AMAZING in my dress is also a pretty good motivation too!


I am going to be completely honest and say, this weekend was an EPIC FAIL! I didn't workout, I ate poorly. Basically everything I should not have done, I did. I am very disappointed in myself and this set back but instead of slipping into my old behaviors permanently I am re-focusing and ready to get back on track and kick it into high gear tomorrow. I hope you all had a beautiful weekend and remember if you slipped into bad habits, or got a little lax in your regime don't let it stick! In the big picture, it was only two days, not a reason to give it all up. Get back on track tomorrow, eat extra clean, take the stairs... It will be OK! Have a beautiful Monday morning tomorrow  you are in control of your body, your mind and nothing else.... so use it to your advantage!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

On My way

I have lost 13 pounds! 

A statement like that can only ever be made in the color pink. It just looks happy and exciting! 

Its not a lot, I don't see a change physically yet. But I do feel better about myself, the fact that I am trying to be better has done wonders for my mood. I am closer then I was yesterday and I am lapping everyone on the couch so just keep going!

Weight loss Weight loss Weight loss

Hungry Girl

Eating Healthy is so vital to not just weight loss but overall health. So much of todays food is processed crap that includes more chemicals then actual ingredients. I LOVE to cook and bake, it is a huge passion of mine and helps to relax me. I hope to include more recipes/food porn pictures. I don't ever usually follow recipes, I find great recipes and then adapt them to fit my taste, dietary needs (I am a vegetarian for 6 years now!) etc. but there are a few great sources of inspiration I could not keep to myself. Which is why I am listing below my favorite places to find healthy recipes. Remember a little planning goes a long way in keeping you on track! Plan ahead, prep ahead make a menu and stick to it. It has been the number one way I have been able to eat healthy! Hope you enjoy and I hope you have a beautiful day!!!!!

1) http://www.skinnytaste.com/ .... I LOVE THIS SITE! Seriously if you only check out one site this is my favorite!

2) Eatingwell.com

3) http://www.hungry-girl.com/


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Direction

I know this blog is new but my weight loss journey is not. So I feel as though I am in a rut, not really reaching my full potential. I have been pretty good for a month now and have only lost 10 pounds. I need a push, I need a new routine. I tend to do best if I wright things down, I am a creature of habit so hopefully putting it down will make it easy to follow and hard to quit! This article is what inspired me to reevaluate my routine... http://fabfitfun.com/8-well-meaning-workout-strategies-that-backfire-2

Monday: Morning Workout - 12 Minute Bodyrock video
               Evening Workout -  60 Minutes cardio
                                               Bodyrock bonus abs video

Tuesday: Morning Workout- 12 Minute Bodyrock Video
                Evening Workout- 60 Minutes cardio
                                               20 Minutes arm work

Wednesday: Morning Workout- 20 Minute Turbojam
                     Evening Workout- 60 Minute Cardio
                                                   12 Minute Bodyrock

Thursday: Morning Workout- 30 Minute Yoga
                 Evening Workout- 60 Minute cardio

Friday: Morning Workout- 12 Minute Bodyrock video
            Evening Workout- 60 Minute Cardio
                                          Bodyrock bonus abs video
                                          Bodyrock bonus butt video

Saturday: 12 Minute Bodyrock video
                20 Minute Arm Work

Sunday: Active Rest Day

So what do you guys think? What are you doing to keep your routine fresh and challenging?

Hope you all had a beautiful day!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Ok so first things first... I am alive! I made it through the workout last night... yay me! But full disclosure here... I was a little overzealous when committing to that workout ... so I modified it to fit my needs. I would like to think that this was the right thing to do and not a crutch but I can talk myself into pretty much anything so please feel free to tell me how you feel about it. The workout was courtesy of bodyrock.com and it went as follows

1) Burpees
2)High Knees
3)Scissor Lunge
4)Elevated plank knee tucks (alternate left and right leg)
5)Touch floor jumping jacks
6)Overhead lunge and Kick (left Leg)
7)Tuck Jumps
8)Overhead Lunge and Kick (Right Leg)..... because I don't want one super awesome leg and one super not so awesome leg
9)Criss Cross Reach through Abs (alternate Left and right)
10) High Knees

Alright so this workout was supposed to be 50 reps each and 500 High knees, this is how it got its name 1000 rep dream body workout .... with that being said It was a little  a lot out of my ability so I paired it down to a beginner level of 10 reps each and 100 high knees, I followed it up with a 2 mile brisk walk. Opinion time was it lame to pair it down? I feel like I got a good workout but I definitely think that next time I am going to aim for 25 reps and 250 high knees.

Now onto the present day. Today was such an OFF DAY! Have you ever had one of those? What am I saying we all have those, we probably have one of those at least once a week. Well today I had a headache when I woke up so good morning bad start. Then I had something to do after work which always throws me off completely. So instead of coming home making my healthy dinner and working out, Ryan and I went and saw a wedding venue (by the way total success so venue is booked!) by the time we got done with everything it was 7pm and we were starving! So we went to dinner and although I didn't gorge myself or anything I would not necessarily categorize the meal as healthy... veggie quesadilla anyone? By the way I just said quesadilla like they do in Napoleon Dynamite and I am willing to bet you are all doing it to now right this very moment. Anyway I digress, then when I got home Ryan had to get to bed for a nap (3rd shift should be illegal) and I had to get his lunch ready, do laundry, clean the kitchen and of course watch Glee and Orange County housewives. I was obviously WAY to busy to workout... right? WRONG! I went and did one of the bodyrock videos that was only 12 minutes long but super intense and although I would have like to do more today I am very proud of myself that I did some rather then none! So next time it is one of those off days remember even if it is just taking the stairs or doing pushups/high knees/ sit ups during commercials, or walking the dog some is better then none and you will not ever regret being active.

If you haven't worked out yet today do the same 12 minute workout I did (I posted it below!) You can find a free interval timer at http://www.speedbagforum.com/timer.html And no excuses! I don't have the uggi ball either I just did all the exercises without it! 

Hope you had a beautiful day today!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Today I am sore. To give you a picture of how sore I am let me tell you that this morning I dropped a fax at work and I seriously contemplated leaving it right there where it fell because the idea of bending down to get it seemed completely unbearable. 

I found an awesome leg work out on pinterest yesterday and I tried it out and man am I feeling it!

Why Women Need To Exercise

Give it a go and you will not be disappointed.

I also ate really well today. For breakfast I had some oatmeal and I am proud to report that I stuck to just some good old fashion cinnamon and completely resisted the brown sugar in all its oh so deliciously gooey glory. Some grapes for snack. Lunch was a salad and dinner was yummy vegetarian chicken parmesan and a side salad super easy and super delicious take a look (don't judge me with the cheese I measured it!)

I am currently trying to pump myself up to do my very first bodyrock workout, it is killer looking. It also appears to be way out of my ability and is most definitely out of my comfort zone but I am going to give it a go anyway. And for those of you who have never heard of bodyrock... SERIOUSLY??? You will love it! Check them out at www.bodyrock.com they are also on facebook and youtube. They are inspiring and helpful and there is a great community on facebook full of support.

Check in with me tomorrow first of all to make sure I survived the work out and also because I will tell you all about the workout I am doing tonight, Because I AM GOING TO DO IT! (sorry just a little self motivation there) .  I am feeling very little engine that could right now

word                                                                    Ain't that the truth!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Beginning

“‎Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen Hard. Practice wellness. PLay with abondon. Laugh. Choose with no regrets. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is” 
 Dr. Seuss

For too many years now I have been living a half life and I am the only person to blame for it. I go throughout my days not just thinking but obsessing about what I am eating, what I am not eating, what I am doing to lose weight, What I am not doing to lose weight... I am starting to think that you understand what I am trying to say so we will move on. 

Anyway I can not tell you how many trips I have not taken, how many days at the beach I have turned down, how many times I have ruined a perfectly good date night with tears and a bad attitude all because I dislike who I am. 

The problem is up until now my effort to change has been minimal at best. Oh sure there have been weeks where my diet was decent, there have been days where I actually pushed myself during a workout but overall I have given up not just on my body but on my life. As a twenty something with the best of life ahead of me is that not that saddest most pathetic thing you have ever heard? In all reality it is selfish and wasteful. Everyday that is given to me is a blessing and privilege that so many are denied. 

So this is my attempt, my beginning of a new life. A life that I am going to make beautiful. I know there will be tears, there will be struggles and failures. I will fall on my butt except this time instead of making a nest out of my fears and self doubt so I can settle into my self loathing comfortably, I will use this as a way to help pull me up. 

Now I know this is seeming extremely self-indulgent and I swear that this is not a pity party. This will document the good, the bad, the ugly and the in between. This will be about me growing as a person but also about what makes me tick, what make it all worth it. There will be Exercise, Recipes, Books, Friends, Wedding Planning (eek!) family and so much more. Because I am trying to learn that there is so much more to me then the size of my jeans. So stick around and follow me on this journey .... It should be an adventure.... Welcome to my blog, Welcome to my beautiful life!